
Wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Ballondilatation der Eustachischen Röhre


BET Whitepaper, SPIGGLE & THEIS:

Ballondilatation der Tuba Eustachii als kausale Standardintervention bei Tubendysfunktion? Eine Zusammenfassung der publizierten klinischen Forschung

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BET Whitepaper, SPIGGLE & THEIS:

Ballondilatation der Tuba Eustachii bei Kindern - Eine Zusammenfassung der publizierten klinischen Forschung

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Toivonen, Dean, Kawai, Poe:

Comparison of outcomes for balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube under local vs general anesthesia

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Eroğlu, et al.:

Comparative Results of Eustachian Balloon Dilatation and Nasal Steroid Therapy

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Li Li, Yanyan Mao, et al.:

The effect of balloon dilatation eustachian tuboplasty combined with grommet insertion on the structure and function of the Eustachian tube in patients with refractory otitis media with effusion

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David Keschner, Rohit Garg, et al.:

Repeat Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation Outcomes in Adults With Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

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Ingo Todt, Felix Oppel, Holger Sudhoff:

Sensorineural Hearing Loss After Balloon Eustachian Tube Dilatation

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Horace Cheng, Alex Saxby, et al.:

Balloon dilation eustachian tuboplasty for dilatory dysfunction: Safety and efficacy analysis in an Australian cohort

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M.H. Froehlich, P.T. Le, S.A. Nguyen, et. al.:

Eustachian Tube Balloon Dilation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Treatment Outcomes, 2020

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Cheng-Yu, Chan-Jung, Chuan-Hung et. al.:

Tympanoplasty With or Without Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty for Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media With Obstructive Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, 2020

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Martin Formanek, Debora Formankov, et. al.:

Effect of Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty in Adults That Only Have Symptoms of Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, With a 1-Year Follow-Up: Prospective Clinical Trial

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David J. Lafferty, Brian J. McKinnon:

To Balloon or Not to Balloon, The Current State of Management of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

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Matthew E. Smith, Anna E. Weir, Daisy C.C. Prior, et. al.:

The mechanism of balloon Eustachian tuboplasty: a biomechanical study

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N.Ramakrishnan, R. D’Souza, P. Kadambi:

A Systematic Literature Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Eustachian Balloon Tuboplasty in Patients with Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, 2019

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V. Anand, D. Poe, M. Dean, et al.:

Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube: 12-Month Follow-up of the Randomized Controlled Trial Treatment Group, 2019

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Juha T. Silvolaa, Saku T. Sinkkonen, et al.:

The status of Eustachian tube balloon dilations in Nordic countries, 2019

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Jin-Keat Siow, Jian-Li Tan:

Indications for Eustachian tube dilation, 2019

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Veera Luukkainen et. al.:

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty: Systematic Review of Long-term Outcomes and Proposed Indications, 2018

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H. Sudhoff, et al.:

In Vivo Measurement of Middle Ear Pressure Changes during Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty, 2018

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Ted A. Meyer, et al:

A Randomized Controlled Trial of Balloon Dilation as a Treatment for Persistent Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with 1-Year Follow-Up, 2018

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S. Schröder, J. Ebmeyer:

Diagnostik und Therapie von Funktionsstörungen der Tuba auditiva, 2018

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M. Tisch, et al.:

Balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube: clinical experience in the management of 126 children, 2017

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J. Huisman et al.:

Treatment of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction with Balloon Dilation: A Systematic Review, 2017

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V. Luukkainen, et al.:

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty Under Local Anesthesia: Is It Feasible?, 2017

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S. V. Roeyen, et al.:

Delayed-Start Study Design for Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube: Alternative for a Randomized Controlled Trial, 2017

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Y. Ashry, et al.:

Utility of Adjunctive Procedures with Balloon Dilation of the Eustachian Tube, 2017

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L. Businco, et al.:

Eustachian tuboplasty and shrinkage of ostial mucosa with new devices, 2017

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S Y Hwang, et al.:

Balloon dilation for eustachian tube dysfunction: systematic review, 2016

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M. Liang et al.:

Effect of the combination of balloon Eustachian tuboplasty and tympanic paracentesis on intractable chronic otitis media with effusion, 2016

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C.V. Dalchow, et al.:

First results of Endonasal dilatation of the Eustachian tube (EET) in patients with chronic obstructive tube dysfunction, 2016

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N. Jufas, N. Patel,:

Transtympanic balloon dilatation of the Eustachian tube: systematic review, 2016

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S Y Hwang, et al.:

Balloon dilation for eustachian tube dysfunction: systematic review, 2016

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M. Liang et al.:

Effect of the combination of balloon Eustachian tuboplasty and tympanic paracentesis on intractable chronic otitis media with effusion, 2016

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b. Williams, et al.:

Balloon dilation of the eustachian tube: a tympanometric outcomes analysis, 2016

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M. Teschner:

Evidence and evidence gaps in the treatment of Eustachian tube dysfunction and otitis media, 2016

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T. S. Randrup, T. Ovesen:

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty: A Systematic Review, 2015

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Alexis Llewellyn, Gill Norman, Melissa Harden et al.:

Interventions for adult Eustachian tube dysfunction: a systematic review, 2014

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D. Jurkiewicz, et al.:

Clinical evaluation of balloon dilation Eustachian tuboplasty in the Eustachian tube dysfunction, 2013

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T. Ockermann, et al.:

Balloon Dilatation Eustachian Tuboplasty: A Clinical Study , 2010

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Wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Ballondilatation der Eustachischen Röhre bei Kindern

M.Tisch, H. Maier, Sudhoff:

Balloon dilation of the Eustachian tube: clinical experience in the management of 126 children, 2017

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M.Tisch, S. Maier, S. Preyer, S. Kourtidis:

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty (BET) in Children:
A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis, 2020

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Joonas Toivonen, Kosuke Kawai, Joshua Gurberg, Dennis Poe:

Balloon Dilation for Obstructive Eustachian Tube Dysfunction in Children, 2021

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